A volcanic ash plume up to estimated 19000 ft (5800 m) altitude (flight level 190) and moving at 20 kts in SE direction was reported by Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Tokyo (VAAC). The full report is as follows: FVFE01 at 00:00 UTC, 31/12/18 from RJTD VA ADVISORY DTG: 20181231/0000Z VAAC: TOKYO VOLCANO: SHEVELUCH 300270 PSN: N5639 E16122 AREA: RUSSIA SUMMIT ELEV: 3283M ADVISORY NR: 2018/90 INFO…
Krakatoa volcano (Sunda Strait, Indonesia): new satellite imagery reveal both rapid land loss and growth of Anak Krakatau in detail
A new high-resolution satellite image taken yesterday allows an update on the dramatic effects the 22 Dec collapse has had on Anak Krakatau island: It shows that actually not all, but most of the summit cone is now missing as well as significant parts of the western and southern shores previously formed by young lava deltas. On the other side, there has been a significant enlargement of the…
Sheveluch volcano (Kamchatka): continuing activity
The eruptive activity of the volcano continues; glow is visible on the webcam and suggests that indeed lava dome growth has resumed. Satellite data show the ash plume from this morning’s larger eruption is still at 5-6 km altitude a.s.l. continues to drift for about 245 km to the south-west and later west from the volcano. On NASA’s Acqua satellite image from earlier today, a beautiful shadow…
Agung volcano (Bali, Indonesia): sudden new explosion early this morning leads to ash fall, but no major eruption expected
The volcano erupted again early this morning (30 Dec 2018) at 04:09 local time. A moderately sized sudden explosion lasted for 3 minutes 8 seconds, caused by accumulated overpressure of gasses inside and under the lava plug that had formed on top of the conduit by the magma erupted in the 2017-18 eruption. The Indonesian Volcanological Survey reported that „fire“ (i.e. incandescence) was…
Dukono volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: CONTINUOUS VA TO FL070 MOV ESE 20KTS OBS VA DTG: 30/0450Z
Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Darwin (VAAC) issued the following report: FVAU01 at 04:49 UTC, 30/12/18 from ADRM VA ADVISORY DTG: 20181230/0450Z VAAC: DARWIN VOLCANO: DUKONO 268010 PSN: N0141 E12753 AREA: INDONESIA SUMMIT ELEV: 1335M ADVISORY NR: 2018/1433 INFO SOURCE: HIMAWARI-8, VONA AVIATION COLOUR CODE: ORANGE ERUPTION DETAILS: CONTINUOUS VA TO FL070 MOV ESE 20KTS OBS VA DTG: 30/0450Z OBS VA…