After the dramatic activity dominated mainly by the significant massive pyroclastic flow, the new lava flow remains active on the Sciara del Fuoco.
The lava continues to feed a new delta at the coastline as the flow made it to the sea. The lava is being oozed out from the eruptive fissure which formed after landslides at the North crater area and opened the way for magma intrusion.
As of 07:30 AM local time today, mild explosions took place from the North crater, generating lava bombs thrown a few tens of meters above the vent and by falling on the Sciara del Fuoco caused ash plumes separating from rolling rocks.
Soon after the eruption yesterday, moderately strong ash rain of small lapilli set in, covering nearly all surfaces in Ginostra. The color of most particles, up to a few mm in size, was mostly brown to reddish brown, described as „earthy“. This could mean that most of the ejected material might be from older lava rocks in the summit craters or inside the vent.
The volcanic tremor continues at medium levels. Furthermore, an earthquake with magnitude M 1.2 was located about 2 km east of Ginostra at 1 km depth.
Source: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia volcano activity update 5 December 2022