Volcanic activity worldwide 31 Aug 2022: Fuego volcano, Popocatépetl, Semeru, Ibu, Dukono, Reventad…

Map of today's active volcanoes

Map of today’s active volcanoes

Ebeko (Paramushir Island): (31 Aug) Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Tokyo (VAAC) issued the following report: ERUPTION AT 20220831/0605Z FL090 EXTD ENE REPORTED OBS VA DTG:31/0610Z

Kadovar (Northeast of New Guinea): (31 Aug) Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 4000 ft (1200 m) altitude or flight level 040 .
The full report is as follows: DISCRETE VA ERUPTION TO FL040 MOV NW OBS AT 31/0200 to 4000 ft (1200 m)

Ibu (Halmahera, Indonesia): (31 Aug) Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 7000 ft (2100 m) altitude or flight level 070 .
The full report is as follows: VA TO FL070 MOV NW OBS AT 31/0220Z OBS VA DTG:31/0220Z to 7000 ft (2100 m)

Semeru (East Java, Indonesia): (31 Aug) Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 14000 ft (4300 m) altitude or flight level 140 .
The full report is as follows: VA TO FL140 OBS AT 31/0000Z MOV W OBS VA DTG:31/0000Z to 14000 ft (4300 m)

Dukono (Halmahera): (31 Aug) Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 7000 ft (2100 m) altitude or flight level 070 .
The full report is as follows: CONTINUOUS VA ERUPTION TO FL070 MOV W OBS AT 30/2330Z to 7000 ft (2100 m)

White Island (New Zealand): (31 Aug) Through the GeoNet surveillance cameras, located in Whakatane, large steam and gas plumes were being observed from the volcano this morning.
This phenomenon is common for ideal atmospheric conditions as was today when hot steam and gas emissions have expanded in the cool air dissipating above the crater.
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Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) altitude or flight level 200 .
The full report is as follows: SMALL DISCRETE EMS OBS to 20000 ft (6100 m)

Fuego (Guatemala): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 16000 ft (4900 m) altitude or flight level 160 .
The full report is as follows: VA EMS OBS to 16000 ft (4900 m)

Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 22000 ft (6700 m) altitude or flight level 220 .
The full report is as follows: POSS VA EMS to 22000 ft (6700 m)

Reventador (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 14000 ft (4300 m) altitude or flight level 140 .
The full report is as follows: RCNT RPRT OF VA to 14000 ft (4300 m)

Sabancaya (Peru): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Buenos Aires warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 24000 ft (7300 m) altitude or flight level 240 and is moving at 15 kts in SE direction.
The full report is as follows: INTERMITTENT EMISSION to 24000 ft (7300 m)

Karthala (Comores, western Indian Ocean): The large shield volcano on La Grande Comores Island is showing signs of unrest. Since mid July, volcanologists from the local volcano observatory have been recording a significant increase in small earthquakes beneath the volcano. These could be a sign that magma has been accumulating underneath or inside the volcanic edifice and might be heralding a new eruption in a near to medium-term future.
As a consequence, the alert level was raised to „yellow“ alert status, the first and lowest of the 3-stage volcanic alert levels used in the Comores.
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Volcano Activity Summary for 31 Aug 2022:

Satellite image of Kadovar volcano on 31 Aug 2022