The new fissure vent continues to feed lava flowing into the Valle del Bove in the E-NE direction.
Behavior of the volcano has changed over the last 24 hours and slowly, but surely intensified characterized by strombolian activity at the vent.
It appears (and judging from the live stream) that the vent started to produce pulsating small lava fountains likely caused by magma change composition from basaltic gas-poor to gas-rich conditions.
Currently there are no signs to cease the eruption in the near future as indicate the high and stable volcanic tremor.
A beautiful video of ‚A’ā lava flow at Etna characterized by typical jumble of loose, irregularly shaped cindery blocks (source: @mondoterremoti/twitter)
Ecco la colata di lava alimentata dalla bocca effusiva che si è aperta giovedì scorso sul fianco settentrionale del cratere di sud-est dell‘#Etna. L’attività di questi giorni è molto scenografica e tranquilla e al momento non si sta intensificando. Video di Michele Mammino
— Il Mondo dei Terremoti (@mondoterremoti) May 18, 2022