Lewotobi Lakilaki volcano (Flores, Indonesia): massive eruption built up 44,300 ft ash column, strong paroxysm and lava flow

The massive explosion from Lewotobi Lakilaki generating abundant grey-to-black ash emissions this morning (image: PVMBG)

The activity of the volcano remains high.

A dramatic increase in the activity began early last night and likely continues as of this update.
At 02:41 local time today, typical vulcanian activity culminated in a new high-magnitude explosive eruption, known as a paroxysm, originating from the northwestern summit vent. The eruptive episode was dominated by impressive lava fountains and dense ash emissions. Additionally, it appears that a new fountain-fed lava flow has started descending over the northern flank.

Following the lava-fountaining episode, a series of powerful vulcanian-type explosions, including a massive one at 10:48 local time, occurred. Spectacular ash-laden columns rose to approximately 4 km, even up to 15,2 km at 10:48 local time, and propagated toward the south-southwest.

In order to mitigate the current risk, people are advised to avoid the area of 7 km from the crater. The volcano’s alert level remains at Level IV.

Source: Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi volcano activity update 7 November 2024

One of several vigorous eruptions from the volcano today characterized by towering pillars of gas and ash (image: PVMBG)