Dempo volcano (Sumatra, Indonesia): phreatic eruption yesterday

Visual observations of Dempo volcano yesterday (image: PVMBG)

A phreatic explosion took place from the volcano at 01:54 local time yesterday.

The steam-driven eruption was registered by the seismic network with a maximum amplitude of 35 mm and a duration of 239 seconds.
Soon after the eruption, ash rain of fine particles in the range of 0.5-1 mm covered most surfaces in Pagar Alam and Dempo north districts about 5 km distance from the summit.
The alert status remains at Level 2. People are advised to avoid 1 km away from the crater and 2 km to the north.

Source: Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi volcano activity update 1 June 2022

Fine ash deposits on plants (image: PVMBG)