Mt Pelée volcano (Martinique Island): small tremors continue as signs of volcanic unrest

Location of earthquakes under Mt Pelée during the past 14 days

The volcano remains restless. Seismic activity continues to be slightly above background levels, showing that the volcano might be potentially preparing itself for new activity in a medium-term future (months or years from now).

Between 28 May and 4 June 2021, the observatory detected 11 volcano-tectonic earthquakes, but all of very small magnitudes of less than 0.2 only. The previous week had shown 7 quakes.
These quakes occurred inside the volcanic edifice at altitudes between sea level and 500 m, likely showing movements of volcanic fluids (gasses, hydrothermal water solutions, or small amounts of magma).

Signs of unrest that could herald an awakening of the volcano in the future have been registered since 2019. They also include a region on the volcano’s flank where the vegetation has died, probably as result of increased ground degassing in this part.