On 2/25/2025 10:55:44 PM, an earthquake occurred in Indonesia potentially affecting 820 thousand in 100km. The earthquake had Magnitude 6.1M, Depth:10km.
From 25/02/2025 to 25/02/2025, a Tropical Depression (maximum wind speed of 148 km/h) 11-20242025-25 was active in SWIndian. The cyclone affects these countries: Madagascar (vulnerability High). Estimated population affected by category 1 (120 km/h) wind speeds or higher is 0 (0 in tropical storm).
From 25/02/2025 to 25/02/2025, a Tropical Depression (maximum wind speed of 148 km/h) 11-20242025-25 was active in SWIndian. The cyclone affects these countries: Madagascar (vulnerability High). Estimated population affected by category 1 (120 km/h) wind speeds or higher is 56440 .
From 25/02/2025 to 26/02/2025, a Moderate Tropical Storm (maximum wind speed of 148 km/h) HONDE-25 was active in SWIndian. The cyclone affects these countries: Madagascar (vulnerability High). Estimated population affected by category 1 (120 km/h) wind speeds or higher is 180 .
From 25/02/2025 to 26/02/2025, a Severe Tropical Storm (maximum wind speed of 158 km/h) HONDE-25 was active in SWIndian. The cyclone affects these countries: Madagascar (vulnerability High). Estimated population affected by category 1 (120 km/h) wind speeds or higher is 0 (0 in tropical storm).