PETA Mobile Ads Shame SeaWorld, Miami Seaquarium in Their Own Neighborhoods

PETA’s protests are taking over Florida roadways. Two trucks bearing 3-D PETA billboards depicting exploited orcas in tiny tanks circled around the vicinity of SeaWorld Orlando and the Miami Seaquarium for hours urging people to stay away from these notorious animal prisons.

Creative Director: @nimshap | Studio: @realmotionvfx | Designer: @roeshani

Reading, “Collapsed Fins! Broken Teeth! Tiny Cell! Prisoner of SeaWorld! Don’t Go!” one of the head-turning billboards was driven around SeaWorld, Walt Disney World, and Universal Studios in Orlando.

Creative Director: @nimshap | Studio: @realmotionvfx | Designer: @roeshani

Meanwhile, in Miami, PETA ran a similar mobile billboard with the message “Abducted from the wild. Hasn’t seen another orca since 1980. Free Lolita! Boycott Miami Seaquarium!” which was driven around the vicinity of the oceanarium.

At marine parks, far-ranging, complex orcas’ bodies and minds break down as they’re forced to languish day after day in cramped tanks.

PETA’s mobile ads draw attention to the profound suffering of orcas, other dolphins, and all other animals imprisoned at SeaWorld and the Miami Seaquarium. Anyone with a sliver of compassion for thinking, feeling animals should avoid these places like the plague.

Creative Director: @nimshap | Studio: @realmotionvfx | Designer: @roeshani

In the wild, orcas travel as far as 140 miles every day with their family pods. But at SeaWorld and the Miami Seaquarium, they swim listlessly in circles in chemical-filled water inside barren tanks that, to them, are the size of a bathtub. Many have severely damaged teeth, likely caused by gnawing on the metal bars and concrete corners of the tanks out of stress. More than 40 orcas have died on SeaWorld’s watch, from causes such as severe trauma, intestinal gangrene, and chronic cardiovascular failure—and not one has reached the maximum life expectancy of the species in nature.

More than 300 other dolphins and whales have died on SeaWorld’s watch, many of them prematurely.

After years of controversy and backlash enflamed by PETA campaigns, SeaWorld shut down its orca-breeding program. However, other dolphins are still being drugged and forcibly impregnated there. They’re also torn away from their families and shipped from park to park.

In nature, dolphins swim across vast distances every day with their extended families, exploring new places and seeking out adventures and pursuits. But at SeaWorld and Miami Seaquarium, these highly intelligent social animals are confined to tiny tanks and have nothing but the same concrete walls to look at every day of their lives.

Inside their cramped prisons, these animals demonstrate a variety of types of stress-driven behavior, including self-inflicted injuries, aggressiveness, and neurotic behavior. Captive dolphins are often dosed with antacids to treat stress-induced ulcers.

Dolphins in “petting pools”—where humans can pet, kiss, and even ride imprisoned dolphins—can become neurotic and anxious as a result of being constant poked and prodded and can become sick from exposure to bacteria. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has cited SeaWorld for several instances in which members of the public, including children, were bitten and injured at the facility’s dolphin-petting pools.

What You Can Do

Hit these animal abusers where it hurts—their wallets. PETA has persuaded numerous organizations and companies to end their affiliations with SeaWorld—including the Miami Dolphins, STA Travel, and JetBlue, Southwest, and United airlines. But there’s still work to be done. Using our rapid-action form below, write to businesses that still have ties with SeaWorld despite the overwhelming evidence of the park’s animal abuse.

The post PETA Mobile Ads Shame SeaWorld, Miami Seaquarium in Their Own Neighborhoods appeared first on SeaWorld of Hurt.

One Way We Can Reduce Real Violence

One Way We Can Reduce Real Violence

I strongly believe that as long as one form of prejudice exists, no form of prejudice can be completely eradicated. As PETA has always said, “animal liberation is human liberation.” If you teach someone to be kind, it has a knock-on and wide-ranging effect.

So, while we may not be able to stop all the ugly acts in the world, this powerful ad reminds us that we needn’t feel helpless in opposing violence that’s truly close to home. We may not achieve peace in our lifetime, but we can start by aspiring to achieve “peace in our dinnertime.” Each of us can seize our personal responsibility and power to embrace non-violence and respect others every time we eat, simply by choosing vegan foods. And do not think that this is a small act. To the living being whose life was saved, it is everything.

We all know some of the details: that the victims of a meat and dairy diet spend their lives crammed into tiny and filthy cages or pens with barely, if any, room to move even one step—they are deprived of a life before their lives are ended at the knife. USDA inspections and undercover reveal that chickens and turkeys often have their throats cut while they are still conscious. Pigs have their teeth, tails, and testicles cut off without any painkillers. Cows are often skinned alive, and fish—who are not swimming potatoes, but living beings who feel pain—are cut open while still conscious.

The great peacemakers, many of whom were vegetarians or vegans, embraced this ideal. Everyone knows that Mahatma Gandhi followed a nonviolent diet and spoke out against stealing animals’ lives for a fleeting taste of flesh, one of his many good lessons.

Coretta Scott King, the widow of the great American civil rights activist, Martin Luther King Jr., stopped eating meat and became a vegan, because she believed that becoming an advocate for animals was the “logical extension” of her husband’s belief in nonviolence.

The Nobel Laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer, whose family fled genocide in Nazi-occupied Europe, became a vegetarian when, from the window of his rented room, he viewed cattle in shackles being beaten down a ramp to their deaths.

And Leonardo da Vinci said, One day, the murder of beasts will be looked on in the same way as the murder of men.” Let’s make that day today.

Let’s open people’s hearts to those who pose no threat whatsoever—the lambs, and cows, and chickens, and others who happen not to have been born human—and save them from the slaughterhouse. By showing compassion for all beings regardless of race, religion, gender, or species, we can make good on our stated desire to help reduce pain and bloodshed in the world.

Have you read Free the Animals? It’s the amazing true story of the animal liberation front! It reads like a suspense novel, with riveting accounts of daring animal rescues from vivisectors, fur farms, and food factories. It’s a book you won’t be able to put down—or forget.

The post One Way We Can Reduce Real Violence appeared first on PETA.