Medical Product Alert N° 4/2016

Falsified Quinine Sulphate circulating in West and Central AfricaThis Medical Product Alert relates to the recent circulation of two confirmed falsified versions of QuinineSulphate circulating in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, containing zero activepharmaceutical ingredient.

Challenges and hope in delivering health in South Sudan

In South Sudan, the World Health Organization (WHO) supports the Ministry of Health and works with 67 Health Cluster partners to provide health services within a country disrupted by conflict. Since December 2013, conflict has displaced some 2.3 million people, including 1.6 million internally displaced persons.

“South Sudan is a country that is affected by complex emergencies resulting from prolonged conflict, climate change, a broken health system and outbreaks of communicable diseases,” said Dr Abdulmumini Usman, WHO Representative in South Sudan.

Stop the violence. Protect health care

In the last few months, a number of attacks against health-care workers, medical transports and facilities have taken place in several countries, like Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen to mention a few. These incidents are taking place in countries with fragile health-care systems that are already struggling to treat the numbers of people affected by the ongoing conflicts there. In some cases, the situation is made yet worse by the restrictions placed on aid workers, preventing them from getting to the people who need them.