Sheveluch volcano (Kamchatka): continuing activity

The eruptive activity of the volcano continues; glow is visible on the webcam and suggests that indeed lava dome growth has resumed. Satellite data show the ash plume from this morning’s larger eruption is still at 5-6 km altitude a.s.l. continues to drift for about 245 km to the south-west and later west from the volcano. On NASA’s Acqua satellite image from earlier today, a beautiful shadow…

Agung volcano (Bali, Indonesia): sudden new explosion early this morning leads to ash fall, but no major eruption expected

The volcano erupted again early this morning (30 Dec 2018) at 04:09 local time. A moderately sized sudden explosion lasted for 3 minutes 8 seconds, caused by accumulated overpressure of gasses inside and under the lava plug that had formed on top of the conduit by the magma erupted in the 2017-18 eruption. The Indonesian Volcanological Survey reported that „fire“ (i.e. incandescence) was…

Dukono volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: CONTINUOUS VA TO FL070 MOV ESE 20KTS OBS VA DTG: 30/0450Z

Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Darwin (VAAC) issued the following report: FVAU01 at 04:49 UTC, 30/12/18 from ADRM VA ADVISORY DTG: 20181230/0450Z VAAC: DARWIN VOLCANO: DUKONO 268010 PSN: N0141 E12753 AREA: INDONESIA SUMMIT ELEV: 1335M ADVISORY NR: 2018/1433 INFO SOURCE: HIMAWARI-8, VONA AVIATION COLOUR CODE: ORANGE ERUPTION DETAILS: CONTINUOUS VA TO FL070 MOV ESE 20KTS OBS VA DTG: 30/0450Z OBS VA…

Agung volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: VA TO FL180 MOV SE OBS VA DTG: 29/2110Z

Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Darwin (VAAC) issued the following report: FVAU03 at 21:12 UTC, 29/12/18 from ADRM VA ADVISORY DTG: 20181229/2110Z VAAC: DARWIN VOLCANO: AGUNG 264020 PSN: S0821 E11530 AREA: INDONESIA SUMMIT ELEV: 3142M ADVISORY NR: 2018/1 INFO SOURCE: HIMAWARI-8 AVIATION COLOUR CODE: ORANGE ERUPTION DETAILS: VA TO FL180 MOV SE OBS VA DTG: 29/2110Z OBS VA CLD: SFC/FL180 S0821 E11528…