Shiveluch Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: VA EMISSIONS CONTINUING OBS VA DTG: 31/2320Z

Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Tokyo warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 17000 ft (5200 m) altitude or flight level 170 and is moving at 20 kts in S direction. The full report is as follows: FVFE01 at 00:00 UTC, 01/01/19 from RJTD VA ADVISORY DTG: 20190101/0000Z VAAC: TOKYO VOLCANO: SHEVELUCH 300270 PSN: N5639 E16122 AREA: RUSSIA SUMMIT…

Dukono Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: CONTINUOUS VA ERUPTION TO FL070 EXT S OBS VA DTG: 31/2150Z

Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 7000 ft (2100 m) altitude or flight level 070 and is moving at 10 kts in S direction. The full report is as follows: FVAU01 at 21:49 UTC, 31/12/18 from ADRM VA ADVISORY DTG: 20181231/2150Z VAAC: DARWIN VOLCANO: DUKONO 268010 PSN: N0141 E12753 AREA: INDONESIA SUMMIT…

Krakatoa volcano (Sunda Strait, Indonesia): fresh aerial image showing the island’s dramatic change in shape

A fresh aerial image from Anak Krakatau has appeared on the very active Volcanoes and Volcanism group on facebook: it shows in more detail what the 29 Dec satellite image already confirmed: the island of Anak Krakatau has now the shape of a 270 deg almost closed crescent, with a water-filled crater in the center where once the 330 m tall summit cone stood (which collapsed on 22 Dec causing the…

Santiaguito Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: VA EM AT 1300Z.

Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Washington (VAAC) issued the following report: FVXX21 at 13:53 UTC, 31/12/18 from KNES VA ADVISORY DTG: 20181231/1351Z VAAC: WASHINGTON VOLCANO: SANTA MARIA 342030 PSN: N1445 W09133 AREA: GUATEMALA SUMMIT ELEV: 12375 FT [3772 M] ADVISORY NR: 2018/045 INFO SOURCE: GOES-EAST. ERUPTION DETAILS: VA EM AT 1300Z. RMK: WE HAVE RECEIVED INFORMATION SUGGESTING A…

Fuego volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: VA EMS HAS DISP

Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Washington (VAAC) issued the following report: FVXX22 at 05:13 UTC, 31/12/18 from KNES VA ADVISORY DTG: 20181231/0510Z VAAC: WASHINGTON VOLCANO: FUEGO 342090 PSN: N1428 W09052 AREA: GUATEMALA SUMMIT ELEV: 12346 FT [3763 M] ADVISORY NR: 2018/801 INFO SOURCE: GOES-EAST. NWP MODELS. CIMSS VOLCAT. ERUPTION DETAILS: VA EMS HAS DISP OBS VA DTG: 31/0445Z OBS VA…