Dukono Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: CONTINUOUS VA EMISSION TO FL090 OBS VA DTG: 23/1245Z to 9000 ft (2700 m)

Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 9000 ft (2700 m) altitude or flight level 090 and is moving at 10 kts in NE direction. The full report is as follows: FVAU01 at 12:39 UTC, 23/02/19 from ADRM VA ADVISORY DTG: 20190223/1245Z VAAC: DARWIN VOLCANO: DUKONO 268010 PSN: N0141 E12753 AREA: INDONESIA…

Fuego Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: ONGOING VA EMS OBS

Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Washington (VAAC) issued the following report: FVXX22 at 10:19 UTC, 23/02/19 from KNES VA ADVISORY DTG: 20190223/1015Z VAAC: WASHINGTON VOLCANO: FUEGO 342090 PSN: N1428 W09052 AREA: GUATEMALA SUMMIT ELEV: 12346 FT [3763 M] ADVISORY NR: 2019/178 INFO SOURCE: GOES-EAST. WEB CAM. NWP MODELS. ERUPTION DETAILS: ONGOING VA EMS OBS OBS VA DTG: 23/0945Z OBS VA CLD:…

Sabancaya Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: VA NOT IDENTIFIABLE FM STLT DATA

Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Buenos Aires (VAAC) issued the following report: FVAG01 at 07:12 UTC, 23/02/19 from SABM VA ADVISORY DTG: 20190223/0715Z VAAC: BUENOS AIRES VOLCANO: SABANCAYA 354006 PSN: S1547 W07150 AREA: PERU SUMMIT ELEV: 19576 FT [5967 M] ADVISORY NR: 2019/219 INFO SOURCE: GOES-E. GFS WINDS. VOLCANO WEB CAMERA. AVIATION COLOR CODE: NOT GIVEN ERUPTION DETAILS: VA NOT…

Fuego Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: VA SEEN IN STLT

Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Washington (VAAC) issued the following report: FVXX22 at 02:55 UTC, 23/02/19 from KNES VA ADVISORY DTG: 20190223/0253Z VAAC: WASHINGTON VOLCANO: FUEGO 342090 PSN: N1428 W09052 AREA: GUATEMALA SUMMIT ELEV: 12346 FT [3763 M] ADVISORY NR: 2019/175 INFO SOURCE: VOLCAT. ERUPTION DETAILS: VA SEEN IN STLT RMK: WE HAVE RECEIVED INFORMATION SUGGESTING A POSSIBLE VA…

Volcanic activity worldwide 22 Feb 2019: Etna volcano, Fuego, Karymsky, Shiveluch, Karangetang, Duko…

Etna (Sicily, Italy): (22 Feb) Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Toulouse (VAAC) issued the following report: SMALL ERUPTION OBS VA DTG:22/0600Z Karymsky (Kamchatka): One of Kamchatka’s most active volcanoes has recently been very active again: satellite data show intense ash emissions that blanket the snow-clad landscape east of the volcano up to the coast with a layer of dark ash. The current…