Cat Safety TKO: UFC Star Irene Aldana Throws Down for Cats and Wildlife in PETA Ad

Renowned Mexican mixed-martial artist Irene Aldana teamed up with PETA for a powerful ad, delivering a compelling message about how imperative it is to keep cats indoors. In this knockout campaign, she emphasizes that cats are integral members of the family and should reside indoors, ensuring their safety while simultaneously protecting wildlife.

Cats left outside are vulnerable to the cold in winter and the heat in summer, and they’re often struck by cars or attacked by other animals or by cruel humans who see them as a “nuisance.” Cats kept safe inside have a life expectancy of 12 to 20 years, but those left to fend for themselves outdoors usually suffer and die in prolonged and/or violent ways before they reach the age of 5.

I can choose my own battles, but cats left outside can’t. They have to fight to survive.”

—Irene Aldana

Leaving cats outdoors also increases their risk of diseases such as feline leukemia, feline immunodeficiency virus (feline AIDS), feline infectious peritonitis, toxoplasmosis, distemper, heartworm, and rabies. Free-roaming cats not only experience trauma but also inflict it. An eye-opening article in The New Yorker explains how roaming outdoors is both dangerous for cats and deadly for the billions of birds and other wildlife—including endangered species—they maim and kill.

Unfortunately, even if responsible cat guardians keep their feline companions safe indoors, countless homeless cats—along with the wild animals they prey upon—still face gruesome fates. The best solution for the companion animal overpopulation crisis is to prevent more from being born in the first place by spaying or neutering.

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Irene’s clear message: The outdoors can be risky for cats and vice versa. To keep everyone protected, cats must stay indoors. If your cat loves to explore, they can do it safely on supervised outings in enclosed spaces while wearing a leash and harness designed for cats or in a catio. Keeping cats indoors with their family not only keeps them safe but also protects wildlife—a win-win for everyone.

Pledge Not to Leave Animal Companions Outside

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