PETA Wants Greenpeace to Save the Whales in a Whole New Way

In time for World Whale Day (February 20), PETA has erected a sky-high message near Greenpeace’s headquarters, challenging the environmental group’s new “sustainable seafood” initiative: “Don’t Eat Fish. Fishing Gear Kills 300,000 Whales and Dolphins Annually.” The request follows PETA’s vegan revamp of Greenpeace’s landmark 1975 “Save the Whales” campaign—a new, progressive take that asks everyone to let fish enjoy their aquatic life, undisturbed.

PETA notes that becoming entangled in fishing gear is the single biggest threat to the survival of many of the world’s 86 cetacean species and that eating sea life contributes to the decimation of ocean ecosystems. PETA also points out that in the fishing industry, even endangered whales are callously referred to as “bycatch”—a euphemism for “nontarget” animals who are caught or become entangled in fishing nets or other gear and are then simply discarded and left to die (if they haven’t died already).

“Just as those opposed to whaling would never eat whale meat, true environmentalists shouldn’t eat fish,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “PETA reminds everyone that the only sea animal–friendly, respectful, and sustainable way to eat is vegan.”

Fish are now known to feel pain as acutely as mammals do, have long-term memories, and communicate with each other using squeaks, squeals, and other low-frequency sounds that humans can hear only with special instruments—yet they’re impaled, crushed, suffocated, or cut open and gutted, all while conscious. More fish are killed for food each year—billions in U.S. waters alone—than all other animals combined.

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat” and which opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview—notes that today many faux-fish options are available, including Gardein’s f’sh filets, Good Catch’s Plant-Based Tuna, New Wave Foods’ new plant-based shrimp, and Sophie’s Kitchen’s Vegan Crab Cakes.

The billboard is located at 503 40th St., Oakland.

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