PETA Demands U.S. Army Ban ‘Classified’ Weapon-Wounding Tests on Dogs, Others

In a shocking twist, the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC)—in its “Policy 84”—is now explicitly permitting formerly banned laboratory experiments involving the wounding of dogs, cats, marine animals, and primates using weapons. And to add insult to injury (of our fellow animals), the military branch is refusing to disclose details of these secretive taxpayer-funded tests to PETA.

In March 2022, PETA filed a Freedom of Information Act request for photos, videos, and other documentation of tests approved by the USAMRDC “that involve the use of a weapon … to inflict wounds” on animals.

Even though the command initially stated that it had at least 2,000 responsive records, it later backtracked, claiming to have only one—which the Army conveniently claims is “classified … in the interest of national defense or foreign policy.”

PETA Demands Answers on Behalf of Our Fellow Animals and the Public

Taxpayers deserve to know if their money is going toward torturing dogs, cats, marine animals, and primates in pointless and cruel weapon-wounding experiments. That’s why PETA filed an appeal with the Army, calling for the release of public information on weapons testing in which wounds are inflicted on such animals. We also sent a letter to Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth urging her to reinstate the previous ban on such tests.

The Army Needs to Restore the Ban on Weapon-Wounding Tests on Animals

In 1983, PETA exposed and successfully campaigned to shut down a U.S. Department of Defense “wound lab” in which dogs, goats, and other animals were shot with high-powered weapons, resulting in the first-ever permanent ban on the shooting of dogs and cats in wound labs, which was issued by then Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger.

Following a successful PETA campaign that exposed a U.S. Department of Defense “wound lab,” the shooting of dogs and cats in wound labs was banned.

In 2005, the Army issued Regulation 40-33, which banned the use of dogs, cats, marine animals, and primates in “[r]esearch conducted for development of biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons.” Yet in 2020, the Army apparently reversed its position by permitting “[t]he purchase or use of dogs, cats, nonhuman primates, or marine mammals to inflict wounds upon using a weapon for the purpose of conducting medical research, development, testing, or evaluation.”

PETA is leading the push for the Army to disclose the details of these horrific experiments and renew the ban on weapon-wounding experiments on animals.

Here’s What You Can Do

While we push for transparency from the USAMRDC and a ban on these weapon-wounding tests, other branches of the U.S. military are using our fellow animals in cruel experiments.

The U.S. Navy is squeezing the life out of sheep and other animals in gruesome and often deadly decompression sickness/illness and oxygen toxicity experiments that are as pointless as they are out of step with international standards. PETA has sent letters to the secretary of the Navy and the secretary of defense urging an end to these painful experiments.

Join us in telling the Navy and the U.S. Department of Defense to stop funding and conducting cruel decompression and oxygen toxicity experiments on animals:

Take Action Now!

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