URGENT: Help Stop Insidious ‘Opossum Drop’ in Andrews, North Carolina!

URGENT: Help Stop Insidious ‘Opossum Drop’ in Andrews, North Carolina!

Andrews, North Carolina, apparently intends to “celebrate” New Year’s Eve by hosting a sadistic so-called “opossum drop,” during which a wild-caught opossum would be imprisoned inside a Plexiglas box for hours above a rowdy crowd. At midnight—after being forced to endure a near-constant barrage of live music, a noisy marching band leading the animal in, and fireworks displays replete with the usual explosions and smoke—the terrified opossum would be slowly lowered to signify the dawning of the new year. Because this sensitive and elusive prey species naturally avoids human contact at all costs, subjecting one of them to hordes of partiers, chaos, and blaring noise is inhumane and would very likely result in potentially fatal stress-induced conditions. PETA scheduled a meeting with Mayor James Reid in order to describe our concerns and to encourage city officials to “drop” any one of countless nonliving articles that won’t suffer, but he canceled the meeting at the last minute, even declining to discuss the matter by phone—so now it’s your turn!

Please politely urge the following city officials and event sponsors to cancel the cruel event, then spread this alert far and wide. Remember, it’s vital that you keep it polite! Polite comments can be directed to:

The Honorable James Reid
Mayor of Andrews, North Carolina

Mr. Steve Jordan
Alderman and Mayor Pro Tempore
Town of Andrews, North Carolina

Ms. Richelle Phillips
Town of Andrews, North Carolina

Mr. Mike Sheidy
Town of Andrews, North Carolina

Mr. Scott Stalcup
Town of Andrews, North Carolina

Ms. Sandra Daley, Chair
Cherokee County Tourism Development Authority (Event Sponsor)

Mr. Mark Kimball, CEO
Erlanger Murphy Medical Center (Event Sponsor)

Mr. Joel Storrow
McGill Associates (Event Sponsor)

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